Sea scouts
Sea Scout Units–called ships–are established across the country on oceans, bays, rivers, and lakes. They offer limitless opportunities and exciting challenges that you won’t find anywhere else. Sea Scouts provides an opportunity to grow and learn, find adventure, and build long-lasting friendships. Sea Scouts is open to young men and women ages 14-21.
What Will I Do in Sea Scouting?
The element that makes Sea Scouting different from all other scouting can be summed up in one word — water. Sea Scouts is a co-ed program with its own language and series of challenges, all of which are nautical. As a Sea Scout, you’ll learn to sail, paddle, run a motorboat, tie knots, navigate open water and conduct water rescues. You’ll cover the tools and skills of ancient mariners and those of today’s modern fleets. This year-round program creates an excellent foundation for a career at sea or for a lifelong love of sailing. More important, it molds great leadership and teamwork skills.
Though Colorado is far from any “sea,” we do have Sea Scout ships located in areas such as Aspen, Brighton, Littleton, Westminster and more! In addition to the nautical program, Sea Scouts participate in traditional scouting events such as banquets, fairs and campouts. Parents, friends and leaders play active roles in the program as they help the boys and girls achieve their confidence in, on and around water.
GCC Sea Scouts also have a Council Quarterdeck team, youth that are elected to a council level leadership role to guide the Sea Scouting program for GCC for the calendar year! If interested please click here to fill out this form.
Colorado is also home to several of BSA’s premier adventure camps, which Sea Scouts may attend. Camp Tahosa with Tumblesome Lake is great for 2-3 day paddlecraft adventures and Peaceful Valley offers Canoeing, Rowing, Swimming and more!
Start the adventure today by attending a meeting near you!
When Do We Meet?
Sea Scout Ships meet weekly or every other week. Sailing Trips, white water rafting, scuba diving, and other activities that Sea Scouts decide to participate in will occur throughout the year. Many ships will participate in one event or activity per month.
Each year, the Council also hosts a SeaBadge conference, usually in February/March. Register here.
As well as Colorado will be hosting SEAL courses this summer. Stay tuned to this link for more information on SEAL.
How Much Does it Cost?
Each Ship determines the dues per year for its participants, based on its annual activity budget. Part of the cost includes a national membership fee that goes to the National Council of the Boy Scouts of America to handle the cost of essential services for those participating in approved Scouting activities, program resources, safety standards, youth protection and personal safety training, and services to councils nationwide to sustain Scouting. In addition, a Ship’s costs also include funds for its individual activities, including campouts, excursions, materials, and other expenses. Lastly, each youth must buy a uniform (which they can wear for multiple years while in Sea Scouting). On average, the annual Ship dues are between $200 and $300 per year, and a uniform costs approximately $75.
How Does Sea Scouts Include Parents and Guardians?
Like other Scouting programs, Sea Scouting is a volunteer-led program. Parents are welcome and encouraged to get involved as a Ship leader or volunteer. By serving as a leader you can help influence the kind of adults Scouts grow to be. Many tools, resources, and training programs are available to assist volunteers in becoming effective leaders and enjoy their experience.
Each Ship is sponsored by a local chartered organization. Parents and the chartered organization select Ship leaders.
How Do We Get Started?
You can use the tool to select your age group, find a unit near you, and reach out to the leaders of that unit about joining! They will have you complete an application and submit it, and then you can start Scouting!
Advancement Resources can be found here.
Additionally, GCC will be hosting SeaBadge in February/March. Register here.
Council Commodore
Curtis Letson