A Cub Scout progresses towards a badge of rank based on their grade. They do not need to earn the previous rank in order to earn the next. Each of the ranks in Cub Scouting has its own requirements that are age-appropriate, so earning a rank below a Cub Scout’s current grade is not permitted. As a Cub Scout advances through the ranks, the requirements get more challenging, to match the new skills and abilities they have learned.
The Akela Award is a program of the Greater Colorado Council to assist Webelos Scouts in becoming a Scouts BSA member. It is an optional program and is not required for any rank. It is to be used at the discretion of the Unit Leader to help a Webelos Scout stay in the Scouting program.
The Akela Award requierments have been updated for 2020 and a new patch is now available. Download the tracking sheet below. Once complete, unit leaders can purchase patches from the Service Desk at Hamilton Scout Headquarters.